Climate governance architecture in Ukraine

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Climate governance: from post-war recovery to EU membership

September 21, 2022
11:00 – 13:30 (Kyiv time)
On the zoom platform

Simultaneous Ukrainian-English translation will be provided.

We invite national and international experts in the field of climate change, opinion leaders, politicians, civil servants to discuss the role of climate change in the Ukraine’s post-war agenda and on the way to full membership in the EU.

The event will consist of two thematic blocks:

I. The climate governance architecture in the period of post-war recovery.

We will discuss the following issues:
– How are climate issues reflected in the draft Recovery Plan of Ukraine?
– What is the vision of international partners for the role of climate change in the Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction agenda?
– What can be the institutional foundations of climate governance in Ukraine?

II. Climate change: what awaits Ukraine on the way to the EU.

We will discuss the following issue:
– How will the process of approximation of Ukrainian legislation to the climate acquis communautaire take place?
– What are the main challenges on the way to full membership in the EU in the field of climate change?

In each block, a short presentation of the issue by RACSE analysts (based on relevant policy brief) will be followed by a discussion.

To participate, please, register at:

The event is organized by the Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment” with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the EU4USociety project

Original text by: Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment”