The competence platform is a digitally supported platform that offers teaching and learning courses on key topics in the field of integrated urban development and reconstruction in Ukraine. It is available as Open Educational Resources (OER) to all interested parties for further development and use and will be available in two languages, Ukrainian and English. It should be developed as a modular and expandable platform to be used according to educational interest and different requirements. It can be flexibly adapted and be used both in development of curricula in university degree programs and in continuing education in the municipalities. The platform is based on the concept of the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) and enables the use of individual courses or course groups and can be in a next phase expanded into a study program.
In the first development phase, the focus of the platform is on its use in the context of further education. Therefor four courses are to be developed, which are modular and uniform in their internal structure. The first topics identified for the four courses are:
- Processes and Formats of Spatial Planning
- Integrated Urban Planning and Development
- Urban Design
- Urban Regeneration and Reconstruction
For more information, please take a look at our project description.
The platform is currently still under development. It will open at the end of November 2024 at www.futurelearnlab.de
You are welcome to pass on the information about the competence platform and make other interested parties aware of it!