Online Lecture | 25th October 2022

You are currently viewing Online Lecture | 25th October 2022

Second online lecture of the series “Integrated Urban Development Strategies”. Frank Schwartze and Mark Kammerbauer will discusss elements and examples of strategic and integrated planning and the buildbackbetter approach.

Join the meeting here:

Recordings of the lectures are available here:

The focal point of this lecture series is integrated urban development in accordance with the EU’s New Leipzig Charter,
and with a focus on urban planning, urban renewal, urban design, resilience and sustainability. Today, urban development
deals with the task of further developing existing urban areas while taking various social requirements and challenges into

This requires partnerships and cooperation between different disciplines as well as social groups and actors. Ukraine
has already started to build decentralised and democratic planning cultures in municipalities with the 2017 White Paper
on Integrated Urban Development. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is however directed against the goals of the
EU-Leipzig Charter: the European city as a place of democracy, pluralism, rationalism, subsidiarity and orientationtowards the
common welfare.

In view of the global climate challenges, sustainable urban development should always start with the existing situation.
If an established neighbourhood needs to be further developed with regard to current requirements, the existing situation should
first be appreciated. The renewal process should involve as many social forces as possible and make full use of all available
resources. In addition, it is important to develop a common vision for the respective respective neighbourhood- and urban
development by consensus. Within the framework of this vision, different measures, projects and also actors can be brought

The lecture series is part of the DAAD programme „ Ukraine Digital” whereby four universities in Kaiserslautern, Cottbus,
Lübeck and Berlin support digital teaching at the planning universities of Ukraine. Here, teaching offers on topics of
reconstruction and urban development are made available via a digital exchange platform, and moreover scholarships are
awarded. The lecture series will further be enriched with experts from academia and practice who will contribute contribute their
experience from international projects and are familiar with the context of Ukraine. This is intended to start a constructive
dialogue on the major challenges in Ukrainian cities and regions.