We would like to draw your attention to the online exhibition of the results of the studio „Integrated urban development planning and design – the development of the area of the main train station in Chernivtsi, Ukraine“.
This studio, part of the Chernivtsi-Mannheim city partnership, brought together students from five Ukrainian universities and, for one workshop, from two more German universities, alongside experts, lecturers, and city administrations, to address development challenges shaped by the unique landscape, general planning situation, and the ongoing war. The online exhibition features concepts for revitalizing the area around Chernivtsi‘s main railway station and improving its connection to the historical center. This area is a critical hub due to the influx of IDPs and the current lack of a proper station square. Collaborative workshops in Chernivtsi and Mannheim, as well as online sessions, enabled participants to analyze, envision, and design concepts as practical solutions for Chernivtsi’s urban needs.
Here is the link to access the online exhibition: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVLuezvic=/?share_link_id=324665856613
The online exhibition is available in both Ukrainian and English.